Pubg Update Pc 29

This version brings a slew of improvements to the game system new additions fixes and more. Update 29 is now available on the pubg.

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Pretty much all features of the map have.

Pubg update pc 29. Welcome thanks everyoney for joining love to get subscribed if u like chat commands specs for my specs game game am playing right now if u want to add somethiing plz comment down. The pubg update 29 also introduces a second vikendi map rebalance. Pubg for pc update 29 with vikendi map rebalance changelog release notes may 16 2019 hasnain raza ar news 0.

Pubg update 29 is out now for pc. A new pubg update has gone live on the pc test server introducing some quality of life improvements and more. A new update of pubg for pc has arrived on the test server.

The biggest change brought by the pubg pc update 29 is the second vikendi rebalance. The pubg pc update 29 has been launched on the test server last week and it seems like testing has gone well as the update is now live on the main server. This update brings the 2nd round of vikendi balance changes tactical map markers custom match improvements and a bunch of qol changes.

Some of the new additions in pubg update 29 include. Here are the full patch notes for playerunknowns battlegrounds latest patch which is out now on pc. 4 replies 1 retweet 4 likes.

Pubg Test Server Update 29 Fixes Vikendi Loot Adds Map Markers

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